Many parts of the developing world - and some rural locations elsewhere - do not have access to a centralised supply of clean water, making people dependent on unreliable and expensive decentralised systems for their water.
Water Source Australia is changing all this with the introduction of the Brolga. The Brolga contains the latest thinking and technology to deliver safe drinking water to single or multiple properties in the absence of centralised infrastructure.
Amazingly, the small ‘plug and play’ unit means that even highly contaminated water can be transformed to meet World Health Organization drinking water standards, anywhere, anytime.

of the water covering
the earth is freshwater.
people worldwide do not
have access to clean water.
litres of clean drinking water per
Inside the sleek outer casing of the Water Source Brolga is a multi-stage system that removes bacteria before micro-filtering and ultraviolet (non-chemical) disinfection.
The unit measures just 120 x 60 x 180cm and is easily transportable by truck or freight. It can be plugged straight into mains electricity or 24-volt solar power, backed by a battery, in more remote areas.
There is no ongoing requirement for use of chemicals and additional stages of purification can be added if required.
Most monitoring and maintenance of the Brolga is taken care of remotely so you don’t need to do anything and can have confidence in the quality of your water at all times.